Bilbao Crystallographic Server arrow Corepresentations

Irreducible representations of the (Double) Magnetic Space Groups

Co-representations: Get the irreducible co-representations of the (Double) Magnetic Space Groups
Corepresentations provides a set of irreducible co-representations of a given (Double) Magnetic Space Group and a wave vector. See the Notes on the notation of the co-representations
References. For more information about this program see the following articles:
  • Elcoro,L.; Wieder, B.J.; Song, Z.; Xu, Y.; Bradlyn, B.; Bernevig, B.A. "Magnetic Topological Quantum Chemistry" Nature Communications (2021) 12, 5965.
  • Xu, Y; Elcoro, L.; Song, Z.; Wieder, B.J.; Vergniory, M.G.; Regnault, N.; Chen, Y.; Felser, C.; Bernevig, B.A. "High-throughput calculations of magnetic topological materials" Nature (2020) 586, 702-707.
  • If you are using this program in the preparation of an article, please cite the above references.
    Enter the label of the magnetic space group in the BNS setting:

    Choose the wave vector
    Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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