Bilbao Crystallographic Server arrow Raman scattering

Porto's notation

It is a way to indicate the configuration of the Raman scattering experiment. This notation expresses the orientation of the crystal with respect to the polarization of the laser in both the exicitation and analysing directions. The notation of Porto, for Raman scattering processes, consists of four letters:


Example: Y(XZ)X

In this case we have that the direction of the propagation of the incident light is along the Y direction while the direction of the scattered light is along the X direction.
The direction of the polarization of the incident light is along the X direction while the direction of the polarization of the scattered light is along the Z direction.

Back scattering geometry

One of the possible configurations which can be carried out in a Raman scattering experiment is the back scattering geometry. In this geometry, the direction of the propagation of the incident and scattered light is the same but their senses are opposite. On the other hand, the propagation and polarization of the incident and scattered light must be ortogonal.

ki = -ks

kiEi and ksEs

Examples of back scattering geometry:

Right angle scattering geometry

Right angle scattering geometry is another possible configuration for Raman scattering experiments. In this geometry, the propagation and polarization of the incident and scattered light must be ortogonal.


Examples of right angle scattering geometry:

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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