Bilbao Crystallographic Server arrow Reflection conditions

Reflection conditions for the space group Ia-3 (No. 206)

Mult. Letter Site Sym. WP Representative Reflection conditions
General:h,k,l cyclically permutable
48 e 1 (x,y,z)
hkl: h+k+l=2n
0kl: k,l=2n
hhl: l=2n
h00: h=2n
Special: as above, plus
24 d 2.. (x,0,1/4)
no extra conditions
16 c .3. (x,x,x)
no extra conditions
8 b .-3. (1/4,1/4,1/4)
hkl: k,l=2n
8 a .-3. (0,0,0)
hkl: k,l=2n

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Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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