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Maximal subgroups of group P6122 (No. 178)

Note: The program uses the default choice for the group settings.

In the following table the list of maximal subgroup types is given.
Click over "show.." to see the complete list of subgroups and their distribution in classes of conjugate subgroups.

N IT number HM symbol Index Type Transformations
1 20 C2221 3 t show..
2 151 P3112 2 t show..
3 152 P3121 2 t show..
4 169 P61 2 t show..
5 178 P6122 3 k show..
6 178 P6122 4 k show..
7 178 P6122 7 k show..
8 179 P6522 5 k show..

t represents the translationengleichen subgroups
k represents the klassengleichen subgroups

[ Click here to see the Series of Maximal Subgroups ]

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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