Bilbao Crystallographic Server arrow MPOINT - Magnetic Point Group Tables

Magnetic Point Group Tables of 2.1 (#3.1.6)

Useful data about magnetic point group 2.1

Number of elements of the group (order): 2
This group is not centrosymmetric
This group is polar
This group is compatible with ferromagnetism

Symmetry operations of the group

N (x,y,z) form matrix form Seitz symbol
1 x,y,z, +1
  1  0  0  
  0  1  0  
  0  0  1  
2 -x,y,-z, +1
  -1  0  0  
  0  1  0  
  0  0  -1  

Subgroups Table

Symmetry-adapted form of material tensors for the magnetic point group 2.1 (#3.1.6) via MTENSOR

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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