Bilbao Crystallographic Server arrow List of subgroups for a given k-index Help

List of subgroups of space group P6222(180) for a given k-index = 1

NOTE: The program uses the default choice for the group settings.

In the following table a list of t-subgroups, k-subgroups and general subgroups is given for a given k-index.
Click over "show..." to obtain the classification in conjugate classes of subgroups.

Maximum k-index = 1

N. of subgroups (for k-index 1) found: 8

t-subgroups of space group P6222 (180)

N HM Symbol ITA index t-index k-index More info
1 P62 171 2 2 1 show...
2 P3221 154 2 2 1 show...
3 P3212 153 2 2 1 show...
4 P32 145 4 4 1 show...
5 C222 021 3 3 1 show...
6 C2 005 6 6 1 show...
7 P2 003 6 6 1 show...
8 P1 001 12 12 1 show...

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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