Average positions and magnetic moments of all atoms in unit cell, with magnetic moment relations explicitly given:
Average atomic positions of symmetry independent atomsMagnetic atoms:
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the magnetic atom Mn1:
Average atomic positions
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.86160 | 0.86160 | 0.86160 |
2 | 0.63840 | 0.13840 | 0.36160 |
3 | 0.13840 | 0.36160 | 0.63840 |
4 | 0.36160 | 0.63840 | 0.13840 |
Magnetic moment modulation parametersWave vector 1
Atom | Magnetic moment Fourier Cos coeffs | Magnetic moment Fourier Sin coeffs |
Symmetry constraints | Numerical values | Symmetry constraints | Numerical values |
x | y | z | x | y | z | x | y | z | x | y | z |
1 | Mxcos1 | Mycos1 | Mzcos1 | 0.81400 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Mxcos1+Mysin1 | Mycos1+Mysin1 | Mzcos1+Mysin1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -0.81400 |
2 | Mxcos1 | Mycos1 | -Mzcos1 | 0.81400 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -Mxcos1-Mysin1 | -Mycos1-Mysin1 | Mzcos1+Mysin1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -0.81400 |
3 | Mxcos1 | -Mycos1 | Mzcos1 | 0.81400 | 0.0 | 0.0 | Mxcos1+Mysin1 | -Mycos1-Mysin1 | Mzcos1+Mysin1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -0.81400 |
4 | Mxcos1 | -Mycos1 | -Mzcos1 | 0.81400 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -Mxcos1-Mysin1 | Mycos1+Mysin1 | Mzcos1+Mysin1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -0.81400 |
Non-magnetic atoms:
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom Ge1:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.15670 | 0.15670 | 0.15670 |
2 | 0.34330 | 0.84330 | 0.65670 |
3 | 0.84330 | 0.65670 | 0.34330 |
4 | 0.65670 | 0.34330 | 0.84330 |