Bilbao Crystallographic Server arrow MBANDREP

Band co-representations of the Magnetic Double Space Groups

Band Co-Representations
This program calculates the band co-representations induced from the co-reps of the site-symmetry magnetic group of a given Wyckoff position.
Alternatively, it gives the set of magnetic elementary band co-representations (MEBRs) of a Magnetic Double Space Group.
The program also indicates if the MEBRs are decomposable or indecomposable. If it is decomposable, the program gives all the possible ways to decompose it.
References. For more information about this program see the following articles:
  • Elcoro,L.; Wieder, B.J.; Song, Z.; Xu, Y.; Bradlyn, B.; Bernevig, B.A. "Magnetic Topological Quantum Chemistry" Nature Communications (2021) 12, 5965.
  • Xu, Y; Elcoro, L.; Song, Z.; Wieder, B.J.; Vergniory, M.G.; Regnault, N.; Chen, Y.; Felser, C.; Bernevig, B.A. "High-throughput calculations of magnetic topological materials" Nature (2020) 586, 702-707.
  • If you are using this program in the preparation of an article, please cite the above references.
    Enter the label of the magnetic group in the BNS setting.

    1. Get the MEBRs
    3. Get the band co-representations from a Wyckoff position
    Bilbao Crystallographic Server
    Licencia de Creative Commons
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